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Flat Flex Connector Solutions


Standard Fixtures Custom Fixtures

The Flexible Test Advantage 

Our test fixtures are meticulously engineered to withstand thousands of mate cycles, ensuring unparalleled reliability.

Crafted with efficiency and reliability in mind, our fixtures streamline your workflow, saving you valuable time and cost.

Embrace a hassle-free, drop-in solution that eliminates setup complexities. With Flexible Test, get your system up and running within minutes, not hours.

Elevate your connector experience and unlock seamless flat flexible connections today!

Eliminate Connector Hassles

  • ZIF connector replacements and repairs can be a constant
    source of frustration.
  • Our fixtures eliminate the need for these frequent replacements and repairs.
  • Ensure accurate testing without the vulnerabilities associated with
    ZIF connectors and spring-loaded pins.
  • Save on maintenance costs due to typical ZIF connectors.

Seamless Integration

  • Our fixtures are a hassle-free drop-in solution.
  • Eliminate the need for complex configurations or adjustments.
  • We’ve designed our solutions to make your testing process as straightforward as possible.
  • When integration is easy and efficient, your testing process becomes streamlined.
  • Meet your project deadlines with confidence.

Durable Engineering

  • Our engineered contacts are designed to withstand thousands of testing cycles.
  • Our fixtures are built to endure the rigors of testing.
  • Investing in durable engineering is a cost-effective approach.
  • The long-lasting reliability of our fixtures leads to reduced maintenance and replacement expenses.

Expert Support

  • At Flexible Test, we pride ourselves on providing expert support.
  • We take the time to analyze your project needs and collaborate with your team.
  • 2D and 3D design support for all fixture models.
  • Our expert support is geared towards enhancing your workflow and saving you time and cost.

How Our Fixtures Work